Specialties of the House

The human frame being what it is, heart, body and brain all mixed together, and not contained in separate compartments as they will be no doubt in another million years, a good dinner is of great importance to good talk. One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

Our intent from the beginning was to share, with our family and friends, our conviction about the importance of good food to good relationships, especially marital ones, but more casual ones as well. This conviction energized us to assemble and publish the first (~60 recipes) and second (~90) editions (see the History of the Project). Shortly after completing work on the second edition, we resolved "never again." Too many recipes, too many challenges associated with publishing, too little time, too little energy. Robin and Mary Margaret gave us the reason and energy to get on with it. "Have you tried this recipe?" "Do you have a recipe with . . . ?" "You need to include this recipe in the next edition." Once more, doing the cookbook and doing it right seemed important.

Launching the Web site solved the publication problem. The recipe list allows us to publish and/or revise a single recipe at a time. We don't have to worry about page numbers. We don't have to publish a "fourth edition" if we add 20 (or 50 or 100) recipes to the list. And the Notes allow us to explain some frequently used techniques, such as brining or the Canadian method for cooking fish, one time and reference that discussion whenever appropriate.

If you want to receive email notification of updates to the recipes, send us a brief note.

As our very special friend, Amanda, says, "Bon apetit."

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